Errata for Mastering Regular Expressions Third Edition

p370, last paragraph

Printed: (it renders LF and all the other non-newline…
Fixed: (it renders CR and all the other non-newline…
Reported by Alan Moore, 11-Oct-2006

p447, last paragraph

Printed: …, '+' is treated as '*?' and vice-versa
Fixed: …, '+' is treated as '+?' and vice-versa
Reported by Jan-Pieter Cornet, 14-Jan-2006

p481, mid-page regex

Printed: ^((?:<(\w++)[^>]*+(?<!/)>(?1)</\2>|[^<>]++|<\w[^>]*+/>)*+)$</tt>
Fixed: ^((?:<(\w++)[^>]*+(?<!/)>(?1)</\2>|[^<>]++|<\w[^>]*/>)*+)$</tt>
This is a pretty major error — the use of a possessive greedy quantifier on '[^>]' means that the '/' that follows can never match (since if there were a slash for the '/' to match, the '[^>]' would have consumed it). In an attempt to make the expression a bit more efficient, I made it incorrect, and that's very bad. If PHP had lazy possessive quantifiers, I could use them here, but it doesn't, so the thing to do is to drop the minor efficiency gains from the possessive quantifiers, and use normal greedy quantifiers. That way, it will at least be correct.
Reported by Jan-Pieter Cornet, 14-Jan-2006n

p482, middle paragraph

Printed: The third alternative, <\w[^>]*+/>, matches…
Fixed: The third alternative, <\w[^>]*/>, matches…
Reported by Jan-Pieter Cornet, 14-Jan-2006

p482, middle paragraph

Printed: As before, the use of a possessive quantifier here may be overkill but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Fixed: (that sentence removed)

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
